New Year’s Motivation

Happy New Year!  I am always up for a fresh start.

Looking back at 2017, it brought many challenges (some unexpected) but I have so much to be thankful for. In the midst of it all, the good and the not-so-good, I have made an effort to write down the things that I am grateful for. Not only has it made me reflect on specific parts of my day, but it’s encouraged me to focus on the small things that have happened and reminded me that there is a lot of good that has taken place.

With a new year comes resolutions. I try not to set too many for myself but a couple that I do have include being more  active (specifically doing more cardio) and drinking more water. I was just reading about the benefits of drinking water and I just can’t afford not to drink more of it.

One way that I helps me stay motivated when working out, is to have workout clothes that I enjoy wearing. I recently went looking for some new pieces and found some at great prices! Everything you see below is less than $50. Now is a great time to buy workout gear as there are a lot of end of the season sales happening. I bought all of the gear that I tried on. I found the pieces from Old Navy to be incredibly comfortable. I also loved the thickness of the leggings they made me feel like everything would stay in place if I was jumping around. They were also high-rise which is perfect for post baby.

Here’s to a year filled with health, much love and the kind of challenges that make us stronger!

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Not pictured I Nike Swoosh Leggings I
