New Years for Littles

The week between Christmas and New Year’s is the best. We’ve taken it easy: sleeping in when possible, staying up late, reading and for me, drinking all the leftover eggnog. This past fall has been busy so it’s been great to spend as much time at home with the kids as possible.

New Year’s has never been a huge celebration for David and I. Maybe because I’m a teacher, my year seems to start in September. I often set goals for myself then. We usually don’t (can’t) stay up too late. We have great intentions but come 10pm, we’re falling asleep on the couch.

I love to do things to celebrate with the kids so I found a few, simple activities that you can do with your little ones.

We did the balloon drop last year and Spencer loved it. We’ll definitely do it again this year. We also had the Netflix countdown on and at first, he wasn’t sure about it but we ended up playing it a million (literally) times because he loved the music.

I think it’s so important to get into the habit of setting goals for yourself. It helps you stay accountable but also helps you work towards something. I’ve created a 2017 review printable that you can have (or help) your kids fill out. There’s nothing better than passing on good habits to your kids and what better habit than to have them reflect on their year and set some goals for themselves.

Here’s to a healthy, fulfilling year filled with love!

I Printable I

I Balloon Drop I

I Countdown Bags I

I Scavenger Hunt I

I Cookies and Milk Toast I

I Netflix Countdown I
