O.J. Who?

As a Language Arts teacher, I LOVE children’s picture books and since having kids, I am always on the look out for a great one. There’s something about a children’s book that not only has a great story line but also amazing illustrations that draw you in to the story.

I first came across Oliver Jeffers before either of my kids were born. I was given a copy, as a gift, at my baby shower for Spencer. I had never heard of Jeffers before but fell in love with his stories and the unique illustrations in each book – many of which have received awards.

Growing up, Jeffers wasn’t one to pick up a book and read. He much preferred playing outside and getting into trouble much like some of his characters. One of Spencer’s favorite reads right now is Lost and Found, a story about a penguin who shows up at a boy’s door and the adventure that they go on to find the penguin’s home.

Have a child who doesn’t enjoy reading? You never know, this might be one author that you want to check out. Your kids, like mine, might be captivated by his stories and look forward to finding out how each, new adventure unfolds.

Books can be found here
