Think Green: What to Do With Expired Car Seats

It’s safe to say that we’re full-blown into the baby stage. When I first had Spencer I couldn’t believe how much “stuff” I needed (or thought I needed) for him. I’ve scaled back a bit with my second but it’s safe to say that there are those necessities that you absolutely NEED.

One of those things happens to be a car seat. We were fortunate enough to be able to use our bucket seat again with Emme. In the next few years, we won’t have any use for it and it will be expired. The big question is, “what do I do with it now that it can’t be used”? I was talking to a friend the other day and this question came up. We still have a few years ahead of us, so I hadn’t been thinking about it. It’s important to me to be good stewards and mindful of the environment, so I thought I would do some research to find out what could be done with those huge pieces of plastic that protect our little ones on the daily.

I came across PMD Recycling Solutions. They haveĀ 13 mobile depot locations located in Greater Victoria and Metro Vancouver where you can drop off your recyclables. You can take your expired car seat there. You will have to pay to have it recycled but it’s reasonable. If you dismantle the seat yourself (fabric, metal, foam, plastic separated), you pay $12 or you can take the seat and have them dismantle it for you for $20. They have three mobile locations in the Greater Vancouver area (and more on the Island).

When the times comes for our family to get rid of our baby gear, this is one place that I’ll be taking our expired car seats for sure.

For more info:
