Sticky Wall for Curious Kids

Summer is officially in full swing and let’s be honest, some of us may be wanting it to be September already and others not so much. If you’re looking for an activity to keep your kids busy, you’ve come to the right place.

I find that Spencer is at a stage where he is curious about everything. He wants to touch everything, sometimes eat everything and always has a question about something. This sticky wall is something the kids can use outside to showcase all of the special gems that they have found outside. It literally takes minutes to put together and when the day is done, you could ask your kids  to show you all of the things they found outside.

When I made this, I put it up inside but it would work better outside and would cause less mess inside.


Materials Needed:

  • Contact paper ( You can buy this at Walmart or a home hardware store)
  • Painter’s tape


  • Cut the contact paper as big as you would like the sticky wall to be
  • Tape the “non-sticky” side of the contact paper and place it on a wall outside
  • Remove the paper off of the sticky side of the contact paper
  • Have your kids look outside for leaves, rocks, grass, etc to stick to the sticky wall




