Questions to Help You Connect with Your Child (and Give You a Good Laugh)

Summer is in full swing and I find myself wondering how it is almost August. I guess time flies when you’re having fun.

To be honest, there are times during the day that are not so fun – the kids are having meltdowns because one wants to go play golf and the other one wants to be held all day long. You get the picture. The days are long and sometimes seem longer than you think you can handle.

If you’re looking for a laugh, you should ask your kids these questions. I honestly think that kids say the most hilarious (or bizarre) things. I asked a few of these questions to Spencer and was surprised by some of his answers. They’re also a great way to connect with your kids and listen to what they’re thinking.

Question: How does Mommy laugh?

Question: What is something that is gross?

Question: What kind of car do you want when you are older?


Question: What is something that mommy always says to you?



Questions for Kids

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