Milk Snob

After Spencer was born I did not nurse him exclusively as he was in the N.I.C.U. for some time and to be honest, I didn’t know how crucial those first few weeks were to maintaining a good milk supply.

With Emme, I decided that I wanted to try to exclusively nurse; however, I was not comfortable nursing in public so when my sister bought me a Milk Snob nursing cover, I was ecstatic.

I own another nursing cover but the quality of this one is AMAZING! The material is slightly thicker and softer than the other one I have. I also love that it provides 360 degree coverage and can be worn several different ways. It is also small enough to be put in your diaper bag or you could save space in your diaper bag and use it as a car seat cover. I’m all about carrying around the least amount of baby gear on a daily basis.

The one I have is blush in color. You could also go for a more gender-neutral color if you want to use it for multiple kids. I’ve found that darker colors help to hide stains wonderfully.

I must say that I have used the cover a lot in the past five months as both a nursing cover and a car seat cover (We had a cold winter this year and it came in handy). I love how versatile it is – I can also use it as a shopping cart cover for the kids too. We all know how dirty shopping carts can be!

If possible, I recommend having two so you have a second one to use while the other one is in the wash. This is one thing I don’t leave the house without.

Nursing cover can be found here
