Snow Ice-Cream

We have been having crazy weather in the Vancouver area lately. It’s March and it’s snowing!

When the forecast called for more snow, I knew what I had to do….make Snow Ice-Cream!

I thought of this idea quite close to Spencer’s bedtime, so I decided to go outside and “gather” some snow and put it in my freezer so that we could try making this recipe the next day.

Spencer was BEYOND excited to try this out; so much so that we had to make it the next morning.

You’ll need all of your non-snow ingredients:

  • Granulated sugar
  • Milk
  • Salt
  • Vanilla extract

Whisk all of the ingredients together until well-combined. You can put the bowl in the freezer while you go and collect snow. I already had snow in my freezer from the night before.

Take your clean snow. You’ll need about 8 cups. For the batch that Spencer and I made, we had about 4 cups.

Stir the snow into the milk mixture and keep adding until an ice-cream consistency is achieved (fluffy and scoopable).

You’ll want to dish it up right away as it melts quickly.


Enjoy…with sprinkles!

Spencer was fortunate to have ice-cream for breakfast…a first. But I guess when life gives you snow….you make the best of it and make ice-cream.

Snow Ice-Cream

  • Servings: 2-4
  • Difficulty: Easy
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A kid-friendly treat that takes minutes to make and brings a lot of joy.



  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 8 cups clean snow or shaved ice
  • Optional Topping: Sprinkles


  1. In a medium bowl, whisk milk, sugar, vanilla and salt together until combined.
  2. Scoop up some fresh snow and stir it into the milk mixture (right away) until you get the desired consistency.
  3. Toss with sprinkles
  4. Enjoy!