Homemade Cough Drop Lollipops

This winter it seems as though there is a persistent cold that just won’t go away. We have been fortunate to stay quite healthy with the exception of some sore throats; although I suspect a couple of us had food poisoning but that’s a topic for another day.

When it comes to preventing a cold, I try to go the natural route including washing our hands often, getting enough Vitamin C (my kids love mandarins), Vitamin D and eating healthy foods. It’s amazing how washing your hands properly can make such a huge difference. I’m a middle school teacher and when one student gets sick, it’s only a matter of time until more do.

I don’t give my kids cough candies but recently when Spencer had a sore throat, I gave him some honey to coat his throat. I came across these homemade lollipops and thought I’d give them a try. Which kid doesn’t love lollipops? These lollipops have one ingredient – honey but you could add more to them if you wanted to.

Homemade Cough Lollipops

Credit: www.letseatcake.com


  • Ingredients:
  • ½ cup to 1 cup honey
  • Candy Thermometer (Optional)
  •  Lollipop sticks
  • Lollipop mold (NOTE: If you do not have a mold you could make free form lollipops by pouring the honey over the stick on a non-stick surface)


  1. Pour honey into small saucepan and cook over low heat.
  2. Stir constantly and bring honey to a boil.
  3. If using candy thermometer, insert in and continue to stir the honey until it has reached a temperature of 300 degrees.
  4. Remove from heat and test.
  5. If not using the candy thermometer then continue cooking and occasionally test. (Note:  Testing too early is better then testing too late.)
  6. Testing: To make sure your honey has reached the right consistency, place a drop or two of honey into a cup of ice water. If the honey turns and stays hard (like a hard candy) then you are good to go. If it is still soft then you need to keep cooking a bit longer.
  7. With Molds- Grease lollipop molds and insert sticks so that they are ready in the mold. Pour honey into mold and let cool at room temperature. (Note: It won’t work to stick them in the fridge.)
  8.  Without Molds –  Lay lollipop sticks on a greased non-stick surface such as parchment or wax paper. Carefully pour honey over each stick, creating a free form lollipop.